Raoul Wallenberg Day

What is Wallenberg Day?
Raoul Wallenberg Day was designated by the Government of Canada in 2001 to honour Wallenberg, Canada’s first honorary citizen, who is credited with saving the lives of tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews. When Soviet forces liberated Budapest in February 1945, more than 100,000 Jews remained, mostly because of the efforts of Wallenberg and his colleagues. Wallenberg disappeared on January 17, 1945. His righteous heroism is a legacy and inspiration for all Canadians.
Wallenberg Day reminds us that even under the most difficult of circumstances, there were those who chose to stand up for what was right and attempt to save Jews during the Holocaust. This date ensures that his personal example of heroism, courage, and decency is always remembered by Canadians.
Raoul Wallenberg Day Programming
January 2024 Screening
Each year, in honour of Raoul Wallenberg and his heroic actions, we present an annual commemorative and educational program, which incorporates a film highlighting courageous actions of Righteous Among the Nations, those who helped save Jews, or addresses the history of the Holocaust in Hungary. Check back for updates on next year’s program.